
You can find a full list of publications on [my Google Scholar profile].

Peer-reviewed publications

Divyesh, V. R., Chinmay Sahu, Velswamy Kirubakaran, T. K. Radhakrishnan, and Muralidharan Guruprasath. “Energy optimization using metaheuristic bat algorithm assisted controller tuning for industrial and residential applications.” Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 40, no. 7 (2018): 2310-2321. [pdf]

Sahu, Chinmay, V. Kirubakaran, T. K. Radhakrishnan, and N. Sivakumaran. “Explicit model predictive control of split-type air conditioning system.” Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 39, no. 5 (2017): 754-762. [pdf]

Kirubakaran, V., Chinmay Sahu, T. K. Radhakrishnan, and N. Sivakumaran. “Energy efficient model based algorithm for control of building HVAC systems.” Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 121 (2015): 236-243. . [pdf]

Conference Proceedings

Sahu, Chinmay, Mahesh Banavar, Jie Sun, Modified Time Delay of Arrival for Biomedical and Environmental Applications, Asilomar 2019.

Sahu, Chinmay, T. K. Radhakrishnan, and N. Sivakumaran. “Real time closed loop data based estimation and explicit model based control of an air conditioning system implemented in hardware in loop scheme.” In 2015 International Conference on Robotics, Automation, Control and Embedded Systems (RACE), pp. 1-7. IEEE, 2015.

Sahu, Chinmay, V. Kirubakaran, T.K. Radhakrishnan, N. Sivakumaran, Closed loop building data based estimation and energy efficient model predictive control of Heating Ventilation and air conditioning system, International Conference on Green Technology for Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control 2014, NIT Tiruchirappalli (2014) 239.

Poster Presentations

Chinmay Sahu, Mahesh Banavar, Jie Sun, Optimized Modified Time delay of arrival for Biomedical and Geo-hazard Applications, 2019 Annual Summer Research and Project Showcase, Aug 2019, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY. [Won “Best Poster Presentation” in the Computational Methods (Graduate) category ]

Chinmay Sahu, Mahesh Banavar, Jie Sun, Estimating the core of spiral waves for Atrial Fibrillation Ablation, Third Annual Spring Research and Project Showcase, April 2019, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY. [Won “Best Poster Presentation” in the Mathematical Methods and Simulations (Graduate) category ]

Chinmay Sahu, Mahesh Banavar, Jie Sun, Jack Koplowitz, Estimating the core of spiral waves for Atrial Fibrillation Ablation, Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) Conference, Nov 2018, Niagara Falls, NY.

Chinmay Sahu, Mahesh K. Banavar, Performance comparison of matrix decomposition algorithms in event detection, Research and Project Showcase, July,18, Clarkson University.

Chinmay Sahu, Kevin V. Mack, Mahesh K. Banavar, De-noising and event extraction from noisy wireless data using Go-Decomposition algorithms, Research and Project Showcase, April,18, Clarkson University.